Community aid bin

We have partnered with Community Aid to place a clothing collection bin on site.  The bins are easily recognizable, with the three helping hands logo.  You may drop off clean clothing any time, placed in bags.  Donations during the week are accepted at First Church.  DO NOT drop the clothes in the church lobby or outside!

The donated clothing is removed weekly and sold in the local Community aid stores.  Based on the weight of the clothing in each bin, we are awarded a quarterly cash donation! 


The partnership between Anchor Lancaster and Community Aid has allowed us to continue to serve and improve the lives our guests and neighbors. 

What is accepted:  clean clothing, towels, curtains, shower curtains, blankets, sleeping bags, houseware items (no furniture!)

You may drop the clothing off at Community Aid @ 31 Roherstown Road Lancaster PA 17603.

You must tell them it benefits Anchor Lancaster and give our partner number: 40096.